library(readr) # to load in the data
library(here) # to load in the data
library(ggplot2) # to create visualizations
library(dplyr) # for data processing/wrangling
library(gtsummary) # to create summary tables
library(knitr) # to create summary tables
library(tidymodels) # to fit models
library(pROC) # to find the ROC curve
Fitting Exercise
This is an exercise to understand tidymodels
better. We will use data on a drug candidate called Mavoglurant. The data is store as a .csv file, and it was downloaded from the original Github repository.
Load all packages for the exercise
<- read_csv(here("fitting-exercise", "Mavoglurant_A2121_nmpk.csv")) mavo
Data processing and exploration
We can create a quick visual of the data by plotting DV
, the outcome variable, over time. We will stratify by dose
and use ID
as a grouping factor. The line graph is busy and not particularly helpful. It could be useful to zoom in and limit the time to 25 hours because most of the variation occurs before that threshold.
# plot DV as a function of TIME, stratified by DOSE and grouped by ID
mavo ggplot(aes(x=TIME, y=DV, group= as.factor(ID), color = as.factor(DOSE))) +
geom_line() +
facet_wrap( ~ DOSE, scales = "free_y")
This line graph is strongly skewed to the right with the highest drug concentration values DV
being observed within the first 2 hours. As time progresses, the drug concentration sharply decreases until it reaches 0 around 48 hours.
As we look closer, some individuals received the drug more than once and have observations for both OCC=1 and OCC=2. We will only include participants who received the drug once to keep this analysis manageable.
# filter for those with one drug dosage
<- mavo %>%
mavo2 filter(OCC == 1)
# check the filtering worked
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
1 1 1 1 1 1
All individuals have an entry at time 0 that has DV=0 and a non-zero entry for the AMT
variable. The dosing entry for everyone is located in the AMT
variable. All other entries are the time-series values for the drug concentration. We will create a new value for the total amount of drug for each individual by adding all the DV
values. This approach should not be used outside of this practice example because individuals may have various amounts of observations for this variable. A better approach would be using integration to get the area under the curve with a simple trapezoid rule, but we will keep things simple here. Once we create the new total drug concentration variable Y
for those with time that does not equal zero and for those with time that does equal zero, we combine the datasets, so there is a single dataset with TIME=0 for everybody.
# exclude individuals with TIME = 0 and create new variable Y as the sum of DV per individual
<- mavo2 %>%
mavo3 filter(TIME != 0) %>%
group_by(ID) %>% # this line allows the calculation to be done per individual
reframe(Y = sum(DV))
# keep individuals with TIME = 0 only
<- mavo2 %>%
mavo4 filter(TIME == 0)
# combine the two datasets
<- left_join(mavo4, mavo3, by = "ID") mavo5
We only need a few of these variables to create our model. We will slim down the dataset to only include Y
, WT
, and HT
. It will also be beneficial for the RACE
and SEX
variables to be factors.
<- mavo5 %>%
mavo5 select(Y, DOSE, AGE, SEX, RACE, WT, HT) %>%
mutate(SEX = as.factor(SEX),
RACE = as.factor(RACE))
Exploratory Data Analysis
Summary Tables
To get a better understanding of the data, I made a simple summary table to examine the distribution for each of the variables.
# create simple summary table
<- mavo5 %>%
summary tbl_summary()
Characteristic | N = 1201 |
Y | 2,349 (1,701, 3,050) |
DOSE | |
25 | 59 (49%) |
37.5 | 12 (10%) |
50 | 49 (41%) |
AGE | 31 (26, 40) |
SEX | |
1 | 104 (87%) |
2 | 16 (13%) |
RACE | |
1 | 74 (62%) |
2 | 36 (30%) |
7 | 2 (1.7%) |
88 | 8 (6.7%) |
WT | 82 (73, 90) |
HT | 1.77 (1.70, 1.81) |
1 Median (IQR); n (%) |
The average total dose concentration across the 120 observations is 2,349. Dosage is split into three discrete options: 25, 37.5, and 50. Almost 50% of the observations took the 25 unit dose and 41% took the 50 unit dose. The average age is 31 years, and the average weight is 82 units. The average height is 1.77, which must be stored in meters. Sex is very unevenly distributed with one gender accounting for 87% of observations. Race is also unevenly distributed with 62% of observations accounted for by one race.
I created another table that summarized the numeric variables by SEX
because I noticed that the distribution was so uneven. I wanted to examine the differences in the numeric variables by sex.
# create summary table of numeric variables by SEX
<- mavo5 %>%
numtablegroup_by(SEX) %>%
summarize(across(c(Y:AGE, WT, HT), mean))
SEX | Y | DOSE | AGE | WT | HT |
1 | 2477.643 | 37.01923 | 31.79808 | 84.09808 | 1.779333 |
2 | 2235.874 | 32.81250 | 40.81250 | 72.51875 | 1.626908 |
For whichever sex is denoted by 1, the average total drug concentration is higher at 2477.643 units compared to 2235.874 for sex 2. DOSE
, HT
, and WT
also have higher averages among the SEX=1 group, so I hypothesize that 1 represents males and 2 represents females. It is interesting that the average age among the SEX=2 group is 9 years older compared to the SEX=1 group.
Exploratory Graphs
I will create histograms to explore each of the numeric variables to understand their distributions better.
# histogram of total drug concentration `Y`
<- mavo5 %>%
plot1 ggplot(aes(x= Y)) +
geom_histogram() +
labs(x="Total Drug Concentration", y="Frequency", title = "Distribution of Total Drug Concentration")
Plot 1 reveals that total drug concentration is almost normally distributed with a few trailing outliers that are greater than 4000 units. The lowest total drug concentration is around 750 units, and the highest outliter is about 5600 units. The majoirty of observations fall between 1000 and 4000 units.
# histogram of DOSE
<- mavo5 %>%
plot2 ggplot(aes(x= DOSE)) +
geom_histogram() +
labs(x="Mavoglurant Dosage", y="Frequency", title = "Distribution of Dosage")
Plot 2 reveals that there are three distinct options for Mavoglurant dosage around 25, 37.5, and 50 units. Almost half of the observations take the 25 unit dosage, and the 37.5 unit dosage is the most uncommmon.
# histogram of AGE
<- mavo5 %>%
plot3 ggplot(aes(x= AGE)) +
geom_histogram() +
labs(x="Age", y="Frequency", title = "Distribution of Age")
Plot 3 reveals that age is not normally distributed. The two ages accounting for the most observations are around 26 and 27 years. There are also peaks in the histogram at 37 years and 30 years. This graph shows random variation in the age of the 120 observations.
# histogram of height `HT`
<- mavo5 %>%
plot4 ggplot(aes(x= HT)) +
geom_histogram() +
labs(x="Height", y="Frequency", title = "Distribution of Height")
Plot 4 reveals height to be approximately normally distributed with a peak around 1.8 units. There are a few low outliers between 1.5 and 1.6 units, but the majority of observations have a heigt between 1.62 and 1.91 unit.
# histogram of weight `WT`
<- mavo5 %>%
plot5 ggplot(aes(x= WT)) +
geom_histogram() +
labs(x="Weight", y="Frequency", title = "Distribution of Weight")
Plot 5 reveals that weight is approximately normally distributed with a peak around 82 units. The lowest weight is about 55 units, and the highest weight is about 116 units. Most of the observations fall between 68 and 100 units.
It is also important to explore the distributions of the two categorical variables using bar graphs: RACE
and SEX
# bar graph of race variable
<- mavo5 %>%
plot6 ggplot(aes(x= RACE)) +
geom_bar() +
labs(x="Race", y="Frequency", title = "Distribution of Race")
Plot 6 shows that race is denoted as four discrete numeric options: 1, 2, 7, and 88. Over 70 observations are accounted for in the RACE=1 category which is almost twice as large as the RACE=2 category. RACE=7 has the fewest observations, ann RACE=88 has about 8 observations. It is almost impossible to determine which race is represented by each category, but RACE=88 probably accounts for missing information.
# bar graph of sex variable
<- mavo5 %>%
plot7 ggplot(aes(x= SEX)) +
geom_bar() +
labs(x="Sex", y="Frequency", title = "Distribution of Sex")
Plot 7 confirms what we already know about sex being unevenly distributed. SEX=1 accounts for over 100 observations, which is almost 5 times as many observations included in the SEX=2 category.
I will move on to creating scatterplots and boxplots to examine the relationship between the main outcome of interest Y
and predictor variables including DOSE
, HT
, WT
, and SEX
# scatter plot of dosage and total drug concentration
<- mavo5 %>%
plot8 mutate(DOSE = as.factor(DOSE)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x= DOSE, y=Y)) +
geom_boxplot() +
labs(x="Dose", y="Total Drug Concentration", title = "Dosage Related to Total Drug Concentration")
I converted the DOSAGE
variable to a factor variable here because I felt like a boxplot would display the information better than a scatterplot. The boxplot can be used to determine that the 50 unit dose accounts for the highest average total drug concentration. Total drug concentration decreases as dosage decreases to 37.5 and 25 units, which makes sense intuitively. There are a few outliers in each dosage category, but they do not seem to affect the overall trend.
# scatter plot of age and total drug concentration
<- mavo5 %>%
plot9 ggplot(aes(x= AGE, y=Y)) +
geom_point() +
labs(x="Age", y="Total Drug Concentration", title = "Age Related to Total Drug Concentration")
Plot 9 shows that there is no correlation between age and total drug concentration. The points appear to be randomly distributed without a clear trend of association.
# scatter plot of height and total drug concentration
<- mavo5 %>%
plot10 ggplot(aes(x= HT, y=Y)) +
geom_point() +
labs(x="Height", y="Total Drug Concentration", title = "Height Related to Total Drug Concentration")
Plot 10 shows that height is not correlated with total drug concentration either. The points appear to be randomly distributed with no clear trend of association.
# scatter plot of weight and total drug concentration
<- mavo5 %>%
plot11 ggplot(aes(x= WT, y=Y)) +
geom_point() +
labs(x="Weight", y="Total Drug Concentration", title = "Weight Related to Total Drug Concentration")
Plot 11 contains a lot of variation, but there appears to be weak correlation between these two variables. There seems to be a negative trend between weight and total drug concentration. As weight increases, total drug concentration decreases.
# boxplot of race and total drug concentration
<- mavo5 %>%
plot12 ggplot(aes(x= RACE, y=Y)) +
geom_boxplot() +
labs(x="Race", y="Total Drug Concentration", title = "Race Related to Total Drug Concentration")
Plot 12 shows that there is minimal variation in total drug concentration across racial categories because the averages appear to be within 100 units for all 4 categories. The interquartile range for RACE=1 appears to be the largest, and this category has the highest maximum total drug concentration as well. The interquartile range for RACE=7 is the smallest, which means there is the least variation in total drug concentration in this category. There are only 2 outliers according to this plot, one in RACE=1 and another in RACE=88.
<- mavo5 %>%
plot13 ggplot(aes(x= SEX, y=Y)) +
geom_boxplot() +
labs(x="Sex", y="Total Drug Concentration", title = "Sex Related to Total Drug Concentration")
Plot 13 shows a difference in total drug concentration based on sex. The average total concentration for SEX=1 is higher than in SEX=2. The interquartile range apppears to be the same for both sexes, and there is one outlier in each category.
Model Fitting
Linear model with continuous outcome
The first model we are interested in fitting is a linear model with the continuous outcome Y
and the main predictor of interest DOSE
. I will use simple linear regression with the default lm
method for ordinary least squares.
# create a linear model with main predictor only
<- linear_reg() #specify the type of model
lm_mod <- lm_mod %>%
mavo_fit1 fit(Y ~ DOSE, data = mavo5) #estimate/train the model
tidy(mavo_fit1) #generate clean output with estimates and p-values
# A tibble: 2 × 5
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 (Intercept) 323. 199. 1.62 1.07e- 1
2 DOSE 58.2 5.19 11.2 2.69e-20
Based on the linear regression model, the total drug concentration increases by 58.21 units with every 1 unit increase in dosage. There is a statistically significant positive association between the two variables based on the tiny p-value of 2.69e-20.
The second model we are interested in is also a linear model, but we want to examine the continuous outcome with all six predictors. I will use multiple linear regression with the same default lm
# create a linear model with all predictors
<- linear_reg() #specify the type of model
lm_mod <- lm_mod %>%
mavo_fit2 fit(Y ~ DOSE + AGE + HT + WT + RACE + SEX, data = mavo5) #estimate/train the model
tidy(mavo_fit2) #generate clean output with estimates and p-values
# A tibble: 9 × 5
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 (Intercept) 3387. 1835. 1.85 6.76e- 2
2 DOSE 59.9 4.88 12.3 2.05e-22
3 AGE 3.16 7.82 0.403 6.88e- 1
4 HT -748. 1104. -0.678 4.99e- 1
5 WT -23.0 6.40 -3.60 4.71e- 4
6 RACE2 155. 129. 1.21 2.31e- 1
7 RACE7 -405. 448. -0.904 3.68e- 1
8 RACE88 -53.5 245. -0.219 8.27e- 1
9 SEX2 -358. 217. -1.65 1.02e- 1
The multiple linear regression yields a slightly larger coefficient for the DOSE
variable than the simple linear regression did. As dosage increases by 1 unit, total drug concentration increases by 59.934 units according to this model. This pattern makes sense because a higher dosage of the drug is expected to create a higher total drug concentration in the body. Age is positively associated with total drug concentration because as age increases by 1 year, total drug concentration increases by 3.155 years. This pattern is expected because metabolism slows as age increases, so it makes sense that the body would retain higher levels of drug concentration if it is metabolizing the drug at a slower rate. Height has a negative correlation with total drug concentration based on a coefficient estimate of -748.487. Weight is also negatively correlated, but it has a much smaller coefficient of -23.047. These trends are intuitive given that larger bodies are able to metabolize quicker than smaller bodies on average, so taller and heavier people would have lower total drug concentration. The model chose RACE=1 as the comparison category, so the total drug concentration increases by 155.034 units when RACE=2 compared to RACE=1. The total drug concentration decreases by 405.32 units when RACE=7 compared to RACE=1. There is also a negative association between RACE=88 and total drug concentration compared to RACE=1 based on the coefficient of -53.505. It is harder to interpet these trends since we do not know which race is associated with each category. Lastly, total drug concentration decreases by 357.734 units when SEX=2 compared to when SEX=1. Males and femaless have completely different metabolism rate, so it makes sense that this trend exists. All of these associations are statistically significant because the p-values are all less than 0.001.
Testing linear model performance
To determine how well these models perform, we will compute the RMSE and R squared metrics. To find RMSE, I made predictions using each model to compare to the real data stored in mavo5
. I selected the prediction column and bound it to the column with true values of Y from the original data to create a new data frame. I used the rmse() function from the yardstick
package in tidymodels
to find the RMSE values. R squared is calculated from the same prediction and truth values using the rsq() function.
# create predictions using the simple linear regression model
<- predict(mavo_fit1, new_data = mavo5) %>%
predictions1 select(.pred)
# create a data frame with the predictions and true values of Y
<- bind_cols(predictions1, mavo5$Y) %>%
data1 rename(Y = "...2")
# find RMSE and R squared to determine model fit
<- rmse(data1, truth = Y, estimate = .pred)
rmse1<- rsq(data1, truth = Y, estimate = .pred)
rsq1 print(rmse1)
# A tibble: 1 × 3
.metric .estimator .estimate
<chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 rmse standard 666.
# A tibble: 1 × 3
.metric .estimator .estimate
<chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 rsq standard 0.516
# create predictions using the multiple linear regression model
<- predict(mavo_fit2, new_data = mavo5) %>%
predictions2 select(.pred)
# create a data frame with the predictions and true values of Y
<- bind_cols(predictions2, mavo5$Y) %>%
data2 rename(Y = "...2")
# find RMSE and R squared to determine model fit
<- rmse(data2, truth = Y, estimate = .pred)
rmse2<- rsq(data2, truth = Y, estimate = .pred)
# A tibble: 1 × 3
.metric .estimator .estimate
<chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 rmse standard 591.
# A tibble: 1 × 3
.metric .estimator .estimate
<chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 rsq standard 0.619
The RMSE for the simple linear regression model is 666.4618, which is much higher than the RMSE of 590.8535 for the multiple linear regression model. The model with all of the predictors is a better fit for the data. The R squared value for the multiple linear regression model is higher than the simple linear regression model. All the predictors account for 61.93% of variation in the graph, while the DOSE
variable alone only accounts for 51.56% of the variation. Overall, the multiple linear regression model is the better choice.
Logistic model with binary outcome
We will know consider SEX
as the outcome of interest for the sake of practicing modeling with categorical outcomes. First, we will use logistic regression to model SEX
using the main predictor, DOSE
# create a logistic regression model with main predictor only
<- logistic_reg() #specify the type of model
log_mod <- log_mod %>%
mavo_fit3 fit(SEX ~ DOSE, data = mavo5) #estimate/train the model
tidy(mavo_fit3) #generate clean output with estimates and p-values
# A tibble: 2 × 5
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 (Intercept) -0.765 0.854 -0.896 0.370
2 DOSE -0.0318 0.0243 -1.31 0.192
#exponentiate coefficient estimate
[1] 0.9687444
The logistic regression model shows a negative relationship between SEX
and DOSE
. The coefficient estimate is on the log odds scale, so it must be exponentiated before interpretation. The odds of SEX
being SEX=2 increase multiplicatively by a factor of 0.9687 for every increase in dosage. This interpretation does not make a ton of sense logically, but it is important to remember that coefficient estimates are on the log odds scale.
Next, we will fit a model for SEX
with all of the predictors.
# create a logistic regression model with all predictors
<- logistic_reg() #specify the type of model
log_mod <- log_mod %>%
mavo_fit4 fit(SEX ~ DOSE + Y + AGE + HT + WT + RACE, data = mavo5) #estimate/train the model
tidy(mavo_fit4) #generate clean output with estimates and p-values
# A tibble: 9 × 5
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 (Intercept) 60.3 18.0 3.34 0.000824
2 DOSE -0.0308 0.0776 -0.396 0.692
3 Y -0.00104 0.000963 -1.08 0.280
4 AGE 0.0834 0.0607 1.37 0.170
5 HT -33.2 11.1 -3.00 0.00274
6 WT -0.0628 0.0794 -0.791 0.429
7 RACE2 -1.93 1.37 -1.40 0.161
8 RACE7 0.118 3.85 0.0306 0.976
9 RACE88 -1.50 2.19 -0.683 0.494
# exponentiate coefficient estimates
[1] 0.9697122
[1] 0.9989601
[1] 3.829605e-15
This model shows negative associations between most of the variables and the outcome of SEX
. The dose coefficient estimate changed only slightly with the addition of the other predictors, and now dosage is associated with a 0.9697 multiplicative effect on the odds of SEX=2. Total drug concentration Y
appears to have the smallest effect on the outcome, which is to be expected because the total concentration of the drug in your body will have no effect on your sex. Regardless, for every 1 unit increase in total drug concentration, the odds of SEX=2 increase multiplicatively by a factor of 0.9989, which is essentially null. Height has the strongest relationship with the outcome variable, and that trend is expected because males are taller on average than females, which makes height the best predictor of the binary SEX
outcome. As height increases by 1 unit, the odds of SEX=2 increase multiplicatively by a factor of 3.829e-15. Weight has a significantly smaller effect on SEX
that is not statistically significant, but the same logic as the height variable applies here. It makes sense that this trend would be weaker because weight fluctuates muchh more than height, regardless of sex. While it is difficult to interpret the change in odds in this situation, the overall trends make sense intuitively.
Testing logistic model performance
For both models, we will assess the fit using accuracy and ROC-AUC metrics. The setup is similar to calculating RMSE and R squared for linear models. I found the predictions for the SEX
variable first. I created a new dataset with the predictions and the true value from the original dataset. The accuracy() function uses the dataset, truth, and estimate arguments.
# make predictions using the logistic model with main predictor only
<- predict(mavo_fit3, new_data = mavo5) %>%
predictions3 select(.pred_class)
# create a data frame with the predicted and true values
<- bind_cols(predictions3, mavo5$SEX) %>%
data3 rename(SEX = "...2")
# find accuracy of the first logistic model
<- accuracy(data3, truth = SEX, estimate = .pred_class)
acc1 acc1
# A tibble: 1 × 3
.metric .estimator .estimate
<chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 accuracy binary 0.867
# make predictions using the logistic model with all predictors
<- predict(mavo_fit4, new_data = mavo5) %>%
predictions4 select(.pred_class)
# create a data frame with the predicted and true values
<- bind_cols(predictions4, mavo5$SEX) %>%
data4 rename(SEX = "...2")
# find accuracy of the second logistic model
<- accuracy(data4, truth = SEX, estimate = .pred_class)
acc2 acc2
# A tibble: 1 × 3
.metric .estimator .estimate
<chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 accuracy binary 0.942
The accuracy for the logistic model with the main predictor only is 0.867, and the accuracy for the model with all predictors is 0.942. Once again,the model with all predictors is the better choice.
Ideally, we would use the roc_auc() function from the tidymodels
package to find the area under the curve. I received persistent errors when I tried this approach about not being able to rename variables in this context. I removed the variable names from my prediction data set and tried to call the columns in multiple formats, but I could not get this function to run. Instead, I used the pROC
package to find the ROC curve first and the area under the curve second.
# create data set with truth and prediction variables for model with main predictor only
<- data.frame(truth = mavo5$SEX,
data4 estimate = as.numeric(predictions3$.pred_class))
# find the ROC curve
<- roc(data4$truth, data4$estimate)
# calculate area under the curve score
<- auc(roc_curve1)
roc_auc1 roc_auc1
Area under the curve: 0.5
# create data set with truth and prediction variables for model with main predictor only
<- data.frame(truth = mavo5$SEX,
data5 estimate = as.numeric(predictions4$.pred_class))
# find the ROC curve
<- roc(data5$truth, data5$estimate)
# calculate area under the curve score
<- auc(roc_curve2)
roc_auc2 roc_auc2
Area under the curve: 0.8606
The area under the curve for the logistic regression model with the main predictor only is 0.5 compared to an AOC of 0.861 for the second model containing all the predictors. The second model is the better choice based on this metric.
After receiving feedback from Dr. Handel, he provided us with an example of how to find the area under the curve using the function that I attempted the first time.
# fit the first logistic model
<- log_mod %>% fit(SEX ~ DOSE, data = mavo5)
# find area under the curve
<- logfit1 %>%
m1_auc predict(mavo5, type = "prob") %>%
bind_cols(mavo5) %>%
roc_auc(truth = SEX, .pred_1)
# A tibble: 1 × 3
.metric .estimator .estimate
<chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 roc_auc binary 0.592
# fit the second logistic model
<- log_mod %>% fit(SEX ~ ., data = mavo5)
# find the area under the curve
<- logfit2 %>%
m2_auc predict(mavo5, type = "prob") %>%
bind_cols(mavo5) %>%
roc_auc(truth = SEX, .pred_1)
# A tibble: 1 × 3
.metric .estimator .estimate
<chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 roc_auc binary 0.980
Module 10 exercise
I will set a seed to ensure reproducibility when using random numbers.
# choose random seed number for the exercise
= 1234 rngseed
Data prep
I will remove the RACE
variable because there are strange values for missingness included in it.
# remove RACE variable
<- mavo5 %>%
mavo6 select(-RACE)
I want to split the data into a 75% train and a 25% test set randomly, which is why I will set the seed. I will follow the tidymodels textbook example for splitting data and testing it.
# set the random seed
#load packages for splitting the data
# put 75% into the training data
<- initial_split(mavo6, prop = 3/4)
# create data frames for the two sets
<- training(datasplit)
train_data <- testing(datasplit) test_data
Model Fitting
is the object containing the simple linear regression with DOSE
as the only predictor. mavo_fit2
is the object containing the multiple linear regression with all predictors. I will modify each of these objects to only use the training data set for fitting.
# simple linear regression model
<- linear_reg() #specify the type of model
lm_mod <- lm_mod %>%
train_fit1 fit(Y ~ DOSE, data = train_data) #estimate/train the model
tidy(train_fit1) #generate clean output with estimates and p-values
# A tibble: 2 × 5
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 (Intercept) 535. 244. 2.19 3.08e- 2
2 DOSE 53.4 6.29 8.50 4.41e-13
# multiple linear regression model
<- lm_mod %>%
train_fit2 fit(Y ~ . , data = train_data) #estimate/train the model
tidy(train_fit2) #generate clean output with estimates and p-values
# A tibble: 6 × 5
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 (Intercept) 4397. 2170. 2.03 4.59e- 2
2 DOSE 55.3 5.83 9.49 6.09e-15
3 AGE -0.417 9.50 -0.0439 9.65e- 1
4 SEX2 -569. 285. -1.99 4.95e- 2
5 WT -22.6 7.65 -2.96 4.00e- 3
6 HT -1130. 1358. -0.832 4.08e- 1
Model performance assessment 1
I will compute predictions for both models to find the RMSE metric. I will also compute the RMSE of a null model, which would just predict the mean outcome for each observation without using any predictor information.
# create predictions using the simple linear regression model
<- predict(train_fit1, new_data = train_data) %>%
trainpred1 select(.pred)
# create a data frame with the predictions and true values of Y
<- bind_cols(trainpred1, train_data$Y) %>%
train1 rename(Y = "...2")
# find RMSE to determine model fit
<- rmse(train1, truth = Y, estimate = .pred)
# A tibble: 1 × 3
.metric .estimator .estimate
<chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 rmse standard 703.
# create predictions using the multiple linear regression model
<- predict(train_fit2, new_data = train_data) %>%
trainpred2 select(.pred)
# create a data frame with the predictions and true values of Y
<- bind_cols(trainpred2, train_data$Y) %>%
train2 rename(Y = "...2")
# find RMSE to determine model fit
<- rmse(train2, truth = Y, estimate = .pred)
# A tibble: 1 × 3
.metric .estimator .estimate
<chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 rmse standard 627.
I will also compute the RMSE of a null model, which would just predict the mean outcome for each observation without using any predictor information.
# create a null model
<- null_model(mode = "regression") %>%
null_model set_engine("parsnip") %>%
fit(Y ~ 1, data = train_data)
# create predictions using the null model
<- predict(null_model, new_data = train_data) %>%
nullpred select(.pred)
# create a data frame with the predictions (means) and true values of Y
<- bind_cols(nullpred, train_data$Y) %>%
trainingnull rename(Y = "...2")
# find RMSE to determine model fit
<- rmse(trainingnull, truth = Y, estimate = .pred)
# A tibble: 1 × 3
.metric .estimator .estimate
<chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 rmse standard 948.
The RMSE for the null model is 948.356, which is much higher than an RMSE of 702.8078 for the simple linear model and 627.4408 for the multiple linear model. Since the model with all predictors has the lowest RMSE metric, it is clear that the multiple linear regression model is performing the best because it has the lowest difference between the values predicted by the model and the values observed. According to these metrics, the simple linear model performs better than the null model, so it is still useful as well.
Model Performance assessment 2
I will use cross-validation as another method of assessing the model performance. I will follow the tidymodels textbook example for creating a 10-fold cross-validation.
# set the seed for reproducibility
# create 10 folds
<- vfold_cv(train_data, v=10)
# load packages to create a workflow
# define your model specification
<- linear_reg() %>%
lm_spec set_engine("lm")
# initialize a workflow and fit it to the training data for the simple linear model
<- workflow() %>%
mavo_wf add_model(lm_spec) %>%
add_formula(Y~DOSE) %>% #specify the formula since we are not using a recipe
fit(data = train_data)
# resample the model
<- mavo_wf %>%
mavo_wf_rs fit_resamples(folds)
# Resampling results
# 10-fold cross-validation
# A tibble: 10 × 4
splits id .metrics .notes
<list> <chr> <list> <list>
1 <split [81/9]> Fold01 <tibble [2 × 4]> <tibble [0 × 3]>
2 <split [81/9]> Fold02 <tibble [2 × 4]> <tibble [0 × 3]>
3 <split [81/9]> Fold03 <tibble [2 × 4]> <tibble [0 × 3]>
4 <split [81/9]> Fold04 <tibble [2 × 4]> <tibble [0 × 3]>
5 <split [81/9]> Fold05 <tibble [2 × 4]> <tibble [0 × 3]>
6 <split [81/9]> Fold06 <tibble [2 × 4]> <tibble [0 × 3]>
7 <split [81/9]> Fold07 <tibble [2 × 4]> <tibble [0 × 3]>
8 <split [81/9]> Fold08 <tibble [2 × 4]> <tibble [0 × 3]>
9 <split [81/9]> Fold09 <tibble [2 × 4]> <tibble [0 × 3]>
10 <split [81/9]> Fold10 <tibble [2 × 4]> <tibble [0 × 3]>
# collect the metrics from the model
# A tibble: 2 × 6
.metric .estimator mean n std_err .config
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <chr>
1 rmse standard 691. 10 67.5 Preprocessor1_Model1
2 rsq standard 0.512 10 0.0592 Preprocessor1_Model1
The RMSE for the simple linear model decreased to 690.5397679, which is less than 702.8078. The cross-validation method of testing the model shows that it performs better than the train/test splitting method did. The standard error for the RMSE is 67.495 when using the cross-validation method, which allows us to observe the variability in RMSE estimates. I will use the same number of folds from the previous model along with the same model specification.
# set the seed for reproducibility
# initialize a workflow and fit it to the training data for the multiple linear model
<- workflow() %>%
mavo_wf2 add_model(lm_spec) %>%
add_formula(Y~DOSE + AGE + SEX + WT + HT) %>% #specify the formula since we are not using a recipe
fit(data = train_data)
# resample the model
<- mavo_wf2 %>%
mavo_wf_rs2 fit_resamples(folds)
# collect the metrics from the model
# A tibble: 2 × 6
.metric .estimator mean n std_err .config
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <chr>
1 rmse standard 646. 10 64.8 Preprocessor1_Model1
2 rsq standard 0.573 10 0.0686 Preprocessor1_Model1
The RMSE for the model with all the predictors also decreased from when it was estimated with the test/training method to a value of 645.6909159. The standard error for the RMSE is 64.81927084, which is lower than the standard error of the RMSE for the simple linear model. The cross-validation test shows that the multiple linear regression model performs better in comparison to the simple linear regression model and itself according to the test/train method.
Nothing changes for the null model, which is to be expected because it is only predicting the average.
I will repeat this process using a different random seed to observe the changes in the RMSE values due to randomness in the data splitting.
# set new seed for reproducibility
# resample the model with a different seed
<- mavo_wf %>%
mavo_wf_rs fit_resamples(folds)
# Resampling results
# 10-fold cross-validation
# A tibble: 10 × 4
splits id .metrics .notes
<list> <chr> <list> <list>
1 <split [81/9]> Fold01 <tibble [2 × 4]> <tibble [0 × 3]>
2 <split [81/9]> Fold02 <tibble [2 × 4]> <tibble [0 × 3]>
3 <split [81/9]> Fold03 <tibble [2 × 4]> <tibble [0 × 3]>
4 <split [81/9]> Fold04 <tibble [2 × 4]> <tibble [0 × 3]>
5 <split [81/9]> Fold05 <tibble [2 × 4]> <tibble [0 × 3]>
6 <split [81/9]> Fold06 <tibble [2 × 4]> <tibble [0 × 3]>
7 <split [81/9]> Fold07 <tibble [2 × 4]> <tibble [0 × 3]>
8 <split [81/9]> Fold08 <tibble [2 × 4]> <tibble [0 × 3]>
9 <split [81/9]> Fold09 <tibble [2 × 4]> <tibble [0 × 3]>
10 <split [81/9]> Fold10 <tibble [2 × 4]> <tibble [0 × 3]>
# collect the metrics from the model
# A tibble: 2 × 6
.metric .estimator mean n std_err .config
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <chr>
1 rmse standard 691. 10 67.5 Preprocessor1_Model1
2 rsq standard 0.512 10 0.0592 Preprocessor1_Model1
# resample the model with a different seed
<- mavo_wf2 %>%
mavo_wf_rs2 fit_resamples(folds)
# collect the metrics from the model
# A tibble: 2 × 6
.metric .estimator mean n std_err .config
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <chr>
1 rmse standard 646. 10 64.8 Preprocessor1_Model1
2 rsq standard 0.573 10 0.0686 Preprocessor1_Model1
I get slightly different values for both models. The simple linear regression model now has an RMSE of 690.5397670 and a standard error of 67.49509367, which shows more variance in the model than the previous time I ran it. The multiple linear regression model has an RMSE of 645.6909159 this time, and the standard error is 64.81927084. The conclusion about which model performs better remains the same: the multiple linear regression out-performs the simple linear regression. The pattern of the multiple linear regression model having a lower standard error and less variability also remains.
This section added by Cora Hirst R.
We would like to visualize the performance of the three models - a “null” model predicting the mean on the Y
outcome, a model utilizing the variable DOSE
to predict Y
outcome, and a model utilizing all predictor variables (SEX
, WT
, and HT
) to predict outcome Y
- by plotting their predicted values against the true Y
The code chunk below generates a long-form dataframe of Y
outcomes predicted by each model, where each observation contains the observed Y
value and a model’s prediction for that observation. We plot the predictions against the observations for each Y
value to get a sense of the models’ performances.
#model predictions dataframe wide
= data.frame("observed_Y" = train_data$Y, "null_Y" = nullpred$.pred, "DOSE_Y" = trainpred1$.pred, "all_Y" = trainpred2$.pred)
#creating dataframe
= all_mod_preds %>%
all_mod_preds_long pivot_longer(cols = c("null_Y", "DOSE_Y", "all_Y"),
names_to = "model",
values_to = "outcome")
#plot observed values against predicted values
= ggplot() + geom_point(data = all_mod_preds_long, aes(x = observed_Y, y = outcome, shape = model, col = model)) +
plot xlim(c(0,5000)) +
ylim(c(0,5000)) +
geom_abline(linetype = "dashed") +
labs(x = "Observed Y", y = "Predicted Y", title = "Model predictions of Y outcome observations")
# Save Figure
= here("fitting-exercise", "mod_preds_plot.png")
figure_file ggsave(filename = figure_file, plot=plot)
Saving 7 x 5 in image
Warning: Removed 3 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).
The null model only predicts a single value for all observations - the mean of the observations. Thus, we see only a horizontal line plotting Y
predictions against Y
observations for the null model (Figure 1). Similarly, we observe 3 horizontal lines representing the Y
predictions made by the numeric variable DOSE
- this is simply because DOSE
only takes on 3 values, and thus, there are only 3 predicted Y
outcomes by dose. The All_y
multiple regression model, which uses all variables as predictors, contains outcomes with a much finer grained range of possible outcome values, solely because of the range of combinations of predictor variables (consider just that the predictor variables contain two continuous variables, HT
and WT
There is still quite a bit of residual from this best-performing multiple regression model, all_Y
, which we can observe as the extent of scatter abound the 1:1 line.
This scatter could be due solely to noisiness in the measurements, in which case we would not expect to see any pattern in our predictions. Here, however, we see that the predicted Y
values appear to saturate at high Y
observations - predictions are regularly less than observations at high values of Y
. This could be indicative a pattern in the Y variable that, as Andreas puts it, out (linear multiple regression) model can’t explain.
Focusing on this multiple regression model, we can first attempt to identify a relationship between scatter and model predicted values by plotting our residuals (our measurement of “scatter”) against the model-predicted values (of course!). Here, we can observe whether there is some pattern in the range of predictions our model might be failing to accurately capture.
#using wide form dataframe to make residuals plot
= ggplot() + geom_point(data = all_mod_preds, aes(x = all_Y, y = all_Y - observed_Y)) +
plot ylim(c(-2500, 2500)) +
xlim(c(1000, 4000)) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0)
# Save Figure
= here("fitting-exercise", "mod2_resids_plot.png")
figure_file ggsave(filename = figure_file, plot=plot)
Saving 7 x 5 in image
Figure 2 reveals that there are more negative residuals (observation is greater than prediction) and of greater magnitude than positive residuals. Perhaps our linear model is missing some crucial predictor, or, our one/some/all of our predictors impact the outcome in a nonlinear way.
While we won’t be discerning between these two hypotheses now, it’s good to start building an intuition of how to improve our models based not only on their performance, but how their performance may indicate some natural phenomena we were previously naive to!
For now, however, we will be exploring ways to get a sense of the uncertainty in our model predictions.
Model Predictions and Uncertainty
Usually, linear models lend themselves to nice metrics which demonstrate the uncertainty in their estimates of the parameters. More comples and nonlinear models, however, often aren’t so generous. Another way to estimate uncertainty, however, is the “manual” or “brute-force” sort of way. Is it the most elegant? Ask a statistician. Does it work well? Absolutely - most of the time. This method is called “bootstrapping.”
We are going to give it a try on our linear model here, to provide us a nice framework for how bootstrapping works and what it tell us.
The logic behind bootstrapping is simple - we take a certain number of sample of the data, fit our models to the data, and examine the distributions of the estimated parameters. It’s somewhat similar to cross-validation, expect that cross-validation splits the entire dataset into k-subsets and trains/predicts models on each combination of \(k-1\) subsets to train and \(k\) subset to predict, while bootstrapping fits estimates to n randomly generated subsets (which can overlap). Thus, cross validation shows us how well a model can perform on unseen data, while boostrapping does not make predictions on unseen data and rather provides an estimate of how widely parameters estimated from subsets of the same data vary. (CV is good for model performance; bootstrapping is good for uncertainty. Obviously, the two goals are not mutually exclusive.)
And now that I’ve written all of this I see that Andreas also include a much nicer and briefer explanation of the difference on his MADA assignment page. Ah, c’est la vie.
All that said, let’s go ahead an bootstrap our multiple regression model. We will be using hte bootstraps
function from the rsample
# we are taking random samples again, so lets set our seed
# create 100 bootstraps from the training data
= train_data %>%
bootstraps ::bootstraps(times = 100)
# estimating multiple regression model parameters from each of these bootstraps, and generating predictions for the original training data
# define your model specification
<- linear_reg() %>%
lm_spec set_engine("lm")
# creating function to fit our bootstrap to multiple regression model
= function(i){ # i is the index of our bootstrap
multi_reg.preds = rsample::analysis(bootstraps$splits[[i]])
bs = lm_spec %>% fit(Y ~ ., data = bs) %>% predict(new_data = train_data) %>% select(.pred) %>% as.vector() %>% unlist()
# create an array in which to store
= matrix(ncol = nrow(bootstraps), nrow = nrow(train_data))
# generate predictions
for(i in 1:nrow(bootstraps)){
= multi_reg.preds(i)
# median and 89% confidence intervals
<- bs_preds %>% apply(1, quantile, c(0.055, 0.5, 0.945)) %>% t() %>% cbind("observed_Y" = train_data$Y) %>%
preds colnames(preds) = c("lower", "median", "upper", "observed_Y")
# I might do something with bootstrap predictions late, so don't mind me here
=$Y, trainpred2, bs_preds))
for_plot colnames(for_plot) = c("observed_Y", "all_Y", paste0("bs_", 1:nrow(bootstraps)))
# finally, plot!
= ggplot() + geom_point(data = for_plot, aes(x = observed_Y, y = all_Y)) +
plot geom_point(data = preds, aes(x = observed_Y, y = median), col = "blue") +
geom_errorbar(data = preds, aes(ymin = lower, ymax = upper, x = observed_Y), color = "blue") +
geom_abline(linetype = "dashed", col = "red") +
xlim(0, 5000) +
ylim(0,5000) +
labs(x = "Observed Y", y = "Model Prediction", title = "Uncertainty in multiple regrerssion model predictions of outcome Y")
# Save Figure
= here("fitting-exercise", "mod2_bootstrap_scatter.png")
figure_file ggsave(filename = figure_file, plot=plot)
Saving 7 x 5 in image
Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).
Removed 1 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).
We can see from Figure 3 that our 89% confidence intervals for the predictions which fall off the 1:1 correlation with observation line do not intersect this line; we can be fairly confident that at high Y observations, our model underestimates the value of Y. There may thus be some underlying non-linear relationship between our predictors and the outcome variable Y
which would result in a greater value of Y
than is predicted linearly as Y
gets larger.
Part 3
Final Evaluation Using Test Data
Using the fit of the model 2 on the training data, I will use this fitted model to make predictions for the test data.
# set seed for reproducibility
# create predictions using model 2 with the test data
<- predict(train_fit2, new_data = test_data) %>%
testpred select(.pred)
I will make a plot that shows both the predicted versus observed values for both the training data and the test data.
# create data frame with the observed values predicted values from model 2
<- data.frame(
plotdata observed = c(train_data$Y),
training_model2 = c(trainpred2$.pred),
test_model2 = c(testpred$.pred),
model = rep(c("observed", "training model", "testing model"), each = nrow(train_data))) # add label indicating the model
# create a visual representation with 2 sets of predicted and observed values
ggplot(plotdata, aes(x = observed)) +
geom_point(aes(y = training_model2, color = "training model"), shape = 3) +
geom_point(aes(y = test_model2, color = "testing model"), shape = 3) +
geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, linetype = "dashed", color = "black") + #add the 45 degree line
xlim(0, 5000) + #limit the x-axis values
ylim(0, 5000) + #limit the y-axis values
labs(x = "Observed Values", y = "Predicted Values", title = "Comparing Training and Testing Data on Model 2")
Warning: Removed 3 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).
Removed 3 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).
I see that the predicted and observed values for the test data are mixed in with the training data, which is a good thing because it proves that our training data calibrated the model appropriately. As Dr. Handel mentioned, if the test data points were systematically “off”, it would indicated a problem such as overfitting of the training data.
Overall Model Assessment
Both of the models are suitable options because they perform better than the null model based on RMSE values. The null RMSE value for the rngseed we set is 948, while model 1 received a 702 and model 2 received a 627. This trend held when I tried another random seed an found RMSE values of 691 for model 1 and 646 for model 2, so the second model with all of the predictors had a lower RMSE value than model 1 in both investigations. These observations prove that there is nothing fundamentally wrong with model 1 or 2, which is the basic requirement of a good model.
Model 1 with only DOSE
in the model does perform better than the null model in terms of RMSE, but I would not say that the results are usable. Since the DOSE
variable is a discrete value with 3 options, there are 3 horizontal lines in the predicted versus observed values graph for this model. Essentially, the model predicts an average response Y
for each dosage level, which is not very useful. It basically gives a null model result, but there are 3 different levels of DOSE
. THis makes the model slightly more usable in terms of real purpose because we know that dosage has a biological plausible impact on Y
. You could use this model to make basic predictions about Y
based on level of dosage, but there is no variation in the predictions, which decreases how useful the predictions are.
Model 2 will all of the predictors performs better than both the null model and model 1, and the results from this model are more useful. These results make sense because they hover around an expected linear relationship that is graphically displayed as a 45 degree line. Since this model takes several factors about a person into account, it is more usable in terms of predicting Y
on an individual basis. Since we used this model on the test_data as well, we see that the predictions from the training and testing data overlap, which means that the model fits our data well enough to be usable because there is no sign of overfitting to the training data. After reading through Cora’s explanation of part 2, I see how the unequal distribution of residuals in this model affects the usability of the model. Since we have more negative residuals than positive residuals, it is reasonable to conclude that the model is more likely to underestimate the observed values. If this bias exists in the model, then we can not use the results with as much certainty because the residual plot shows some concern with the predicted values. I think this could be cited as a limitation of the model when reporting the results because the bootstrapping method with 100 samples showed consistent overlap with the point estimates, which increases the reliability of the model.
Save clean data as .rds file for ml-models-exercise
# specify file path
<- here("ml-models-exercise", "clean_mavo.rds")
# save clean data as an .rds file
saveRDS(mavo5, file = output_file)