R Coding Exercise

This section will be utilized to learn basic R coding skills.

Data from the ds labs package will be utilized for this practice. The renv package is a great resource for keeping track of all the packages used within a project. I chose to install it here, so I can use it on class exercises and the final project. I loaded tidyverse to practice processing data and ggplot2 to visualize the processed data later in this exercise. I loaded naniar to determine missingness of the data.

── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ──
✔ dplyr     1.1.2     ✔ readr     2.1.4
✔ forcats   1.0.0     ✔ stringr   1.5.0
✔ ggplot2   3.4.4     ✔ tibble    3.2.1
✔ lubridate 1.9.2     ✔ tidyr     1.3.0
✔ purrr     1.0.2     
── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
✖ dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
ℹ Use the conflicted package (<http://conflicted.r-lib.org/>) to force all conflicts to become errors

Exploring Gapminder

I will explore the gapminder dataset included in this pacakge with the help(), str(), summary(), and class() functions.

'data.frame':   10545 obs. of  9 variables:
 $ country         : Factor w/ 185 levels "Albania","Algeria",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
 $ year            : int  1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 ...
 $ infant_mortality: num  115.4 148.2 208 NA 59.9 ...
 $ life_expectancy : num  62.9 47.5 36 63 65.4 ...
 $ fertility       : num  6.19 7.65 7.32 4.43 3.11 4.55 4.82 3.45 2.7 5.57 ...
 $ population      : num  1636054 11124892 5270844 54681 20619075 ...
 $ gdp             : num  NA 1.38e+10 NA NA 1.08e+11 ...
 $ continent       : Factor w/ 5 levels "Africa","Americas",..: 4 1 1 2 2 3 2 5 4 3 ...
 $ region          : Factor w/ 22 levels "Australia and New Zealand",..: 19 11 10 2 15 21 2 1 22 21 ...
                country           year      infant_mortality life_expectancy
 Albania            :   57   Min.   :1960   Min.   :  1.50   Min.   :13.20  
 Algeria            :   57   1st Qu.:1974   1st Qu.: 16.00   1st Qu.:57.50  
 Angola             :   57   Median :1988   Median : 41.50   Median :67.54  
 Antigua and Barbuda:   57   Mean   :1988   Mean   : 55.31   Mean   :64.81  
 Argentina          :   57   3rd Qu.:2002   3rd Qu.: 85.10   3rd Qu.:73.00  
 Armenia            :   57   Max.   :2016   Max.   :276.90   Max.   :83.90  
 (Other)            :10203                  NA's   :1453                    
   fertility       population             gdp               continent   
 Min.   :0.840   Min.   :3.124e+04   Min.   :4.040e+07   Africa  :2907  
 1st Qu.:2.200   1st Qu.:1.333e+06   1st Qu.:1.846e+09   Americas:2052  
 Median :3.750   Median :5.009e+06   Median :7.794e+09   Asia    :2679  
 Mean   :4.084   Mean   :2.701e+07   Mean   :1.480e+11   Europe  :2223  
 3rd Qu.:6.000   3rd Qu.:1.523e+07   3rd Qu.:5.540e+10   Oceania : 684  
 Max.   :9.220   Max.   :1.376e+09   Max.   :1.174e+13                  
 NA's   :187     NA's   :185         NA's   :2972                       
 Western Asia   :1026  
 Eastern Africa : 912  
 Western Africa : 912  
 Caribbean      : 741  
 South America  : 684  
 Southern Europe: 684  
 (Other)        :5586  
[1] "data.frame"

Processing Data

To create a dataset with only African countries, I need to view the dataset using head() to determine a variable name that I can use to filter the dataset. Once I found “continent”, I filtered for Africa. The str() function shows me there are 2,907 observations of 9 variables, which means 2,907 African countries are included in the gapminder dataset. The summary() function allowed me to see what Dr. Handle meant by R keeping all the continent categories but plugging in a zero as a placeholder.

head(gapminder) ##I see a variable name called continent that I will use to filter the dataset
              country year infant_mortality life_expectancy fertility
1             Albania 1960           115.40           62.87      6.19
2             Algeria 1960           148.20           47.50      7.65
3              Angola 1960           208.00           35.98      7.32
4 Antigua and Barbuda 1960               NA           62.97      4.43
5           Argentina 1960            59.87           65.39      3.11
6             Armenia 1960               NA           66.86      4.55
  population          gdp continent          region
1    1636054           NA    Europe Southern Europe
2   11124892  13828152297    Africa Northern Africa
3    5270844           NA    Africa   Middle Africa
4      54681           NA  Americas       Caribbean
5   20619075 108322326649  Americas   South America
6    1867396           NA      Asia    Western Asia
africadata <- gapminder %>% 
                filter(continent == "Africa")  ##I created a new dataset that only includes African countries
'data.frame':   2907 obs. of  9 variables:
 $ country         : Factor w/ 185 levels "Albania","Algeria",..: 2 3 18 22 26 27 29 31 32 33 ...
 $ year            : int  1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 ...
 $ infant_mortality: num  148 208 187 116 161 ...
 $ life_expectancy : num  47.5 36 38.3 50.3 35.2 ...
 $ fertility       : num  7.65 7.32 6.28 6.62 6.29 6.95 5.65 6.89 5.84 6.25 ...
 $ population      : num  11124892 5270844 2431620 524029 4829291 ...
 $ gdp             : num  1.38e+10 NA 6.22e+08 1.24e+08 5.97e+08 ...
 $ continent       : Factor w/ 5 levels "Africa","Americas",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ region          : Factor w/ 22 levels "Australia and New Zealand",..: 11 10 20 17 20 5 10 20 10 10 ...
         country          year      infant_mortality life_expectancy
 Algeria     :  57   Min.   :1960   Min.   : 11.40   Min.   :13.20  
 Angola      :  57   1st Qu.:1974   1st Qu.: 62.20   1st Qu.:48.23  
 Benin       :  57   Median :1988   Median : 93.40   Median :53.98  
 Botswana    :  57   Mean   :1988   Mean   : 95.12   Mean   :54.38  
 Burkina Faso:  57   3rd Qu.:2002   3rd Qu.:124.70   3rd Qu.:60.10  
 Burundi     :  57   Max.   :2016   Max.   :237.40   Max.   :77.60  
 (Other)     :2565                  NA's   :226                     
   fertility       population             gdp               continent   
 Min.   :1.500   Min.   :    41538   Min.   :4.659e+07   Africa  :2907  
 1st Qu.:5.160   1st Qu.:  1605232   1st Qu.:8.373e+08   Americas:   0  
 Median :6.160   Median :  5570982   Median :2.448e+09   Asia    :   0  
 Mean   :5.851   Mean   : 12235961   Mean   :9.346e+09   Europe  :   0  
 3rd Qu.:6.860   3rd Qu.: 13888152   3rd Qu.:6.552e+09   Oceania :   0  
 Max.   :8.450   Max.   :182201962   Max.   :1.935e+11                  
 NA's   :51      NA's   :51          NA's   :637                        
 Eastern Africa           :912  
 Western Africa           :912  
 Middle Africa            :456  
 Northern Africa          :342  
 Southern Africa          :285  
 Australia and New Zealand:  0  
 (Other)                  :  0  

To create two new objects from the ‘africadata’ object with only two columns each, I used the select() function to choose the columns I wanted to keep. The first object, ‘IMLE’, contains the infant mortality rates and life expectancies for each African country. I used the str() function to see there are 2907 observations of 2 variables, and the summary() function provides 5 data points for each numeric variable. The second object, “PLE’, contains the population and life expectancies for each African county. Similarly, I used str() to confirm there are 2907 observations of 2 variables, and the summary() function to learn about the range of each variable.

IMLE <- africadata %>%  ##store a new object using the arrow notation
        select("infant_mortality", "life_expectancy") ##pipe in the filtered dataset and select specific columns 
str(IMLE) ##confirm there are only 2 variables 
'data.frame':   2907 obs. of  2 variables:
 $ infant_mortality: num  148 208 187 116 161 ...
 $ life_expectancy : num  47.5 36 38.3 50.3 35.2 ...
summary(IMLE) ##observe the range of each numerical variable
 infant_mortality life_expectancy
 Min.   : 11.40   Min.   :13.20  
 1st Qu.: 62.20   1st Qu.:48.23  
 Median : 93.40   Median :53.98  
 Mean   : 95.12   Mean   :54.38  
 3rd Qu.:124.70   3rd Qu.:60.10  
 Max.   :237.40   Max.   :77.60  
 NA's   :226                     
PLE <- africadata %>%  ##store a new object using the arrow notation
          select("population", "life_expectancy") ##pipe in the filtered dataset and select specific columns 
str(PLE) ##confirm there are only 2 variables 
'data.frame':   2907 obs. of  2 variables:
 $ population     : num  11124892 5270844 2431620 524029 4829291 ...
 $ life_expectancy: num  47.5 36 38.3 50.3 35.2 ...
summary(PLE) ##observe the range of each numerical variable
   population        life_expectancy
 Min.   :    41538   Min.   :13.20  
 1st Qu.:  1605232   1st Qu.:48.23  
 Median :  5570982   Median :53.98  
 Mean   : 12235961   Mean   :54.38  
 3rd Qu.: 13888152   3rd Qu.:60.10  
 Max.   :182201962   Max.   :77.60  
 NA's   :51                         


To visualize the relationship between the two variables included in each of these objects, I will plot them using ggplot(). Using the IMLE object, I plotted infant mortality on the x axis and life expenctancy on the y axis using the aesthetics filter with ggplot. I added geom-point() to plot the data as points. I also chose to include a title, which I centered on the graph, to make the contents of the plot even clearer. This plot shows the inverse relationship between life expectancy and infant mortality. The graph shows a strong inverse relationship with only 3 major outliers. The majority of observations fall between an infant mortality rate of 30 to 150.

IMLE %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x=infant_mortality, y=life_expectancy)) + ##use aesthetic layer to set the axis variables
  geom_point() + ##create a scatter plot
  labs(title = "Life Expectancy as a Function of Infant Mortality") + ##label the graph with a title
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) ##center the title on the graph
Warning: Removed 226 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).

I followed a similar process to plot life expectancy based on population using the PLE object. I used ggplot() again along with geom_point() to plot the data points. I used the same technique to create a title centered on the graph. I also added the scale_x_log10() function to convert the numeric population variable to the logarithmic scale, which helps to create a cleaner visualization. The graph shows the most observations around a population of 1 million with a life expectancy ranging from 40 to 60. There is one major outlier on the graph, but most observations are clustered to create easily definable streaks. The streaks of data in both of these graphs correspond to observations in each African country over the years included in the dataset, which range from 1960 to 2016. As time passes, life expectancy increases which causes the population size to increase. Since infant mortality has decreased over this time period, life expectancy is increasing. These trends show up as streaks in the data because each country’s observations are grouped together over time.

PLE %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x=population, y=life_expectancy)) + ##use aesthetic layer to set the axis variables
  geom_point() + ##create a scatter plot
  labs(title = "Life Expectancy as a Function of Population") + ##label the graph with a title
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) + ##center the title
  scale_x_log10() ##change the x-axis to the log scale
Warning: Removed 51 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).

More data processing

Finding out which observations have missing data is an important part of data analysis. I used gg_miss_var() to visualize which variables were missing information. While GDP accounts for the most missing observations, infant_mortality is the variable with the second most missing values. To determine which years have missing infant_mortality data, I used AI to learn how to use dplyr functions to filter for the specific missing data I am looking for. I filtered for observations where infant mortality rate was missing, and I selected the year column since that is the variable I am interested in. After printing the data, I realized it showed all 226 observations by year, so I used the unique() function to more efficiently determine which years had at least 1 missing infant mortality rate observation. Infant mortality rate is missing from 1960 to 1981 and again in 2016.

gg_miss_var(africadata) ##explore missingness of the data

missing_years <- africadata %>%
                  filter(is.na(infant_mortality)) %>% ##find observations of infant mortality that are missing 
                  select(year) ##keep only the year column of the observations with missing data
print(missing_years) ##view the years with missing data
1   1960
2   1960
3   1960
4   1960
5   1960
6   1960
7   1960
8   1960
9   1960
10  1960
11  1961
12  1961
13  1961
14  1961
15  1961
16  1961
17  1961
18  1961
19  1961
20  1961
21  1961
22  1961
23  1961
24  1961
25  1961
26  1961
27  1961
28  1962
29  1962
30  1962
31  1962
32  1962
33  1962
34  1962
35  1962
36  1962
37  1962
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41  1962
42  1962
43  1962
44  1963
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46  1963
47  1963
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51  1963
52  1963
53  1963
54  1963
55  1963
56  1963
57  1963
58  1963
59  1963
60  1964
61  1964
62  1964
63  1964
64  1964
65  1964
66  1964
67  1964
68  1964
69  1964
70  1964
71  1964
72  1964
73  1964
74  1964
75  1965
76  1965
77  1965
78  1965
79  1965
80  1965
81  1965
82  1965
83  1965
84  1965
85  1965
86  1965
87  1965
88  1965
89  1966
90  1966
91  1966
92  1966
93  1966
94  1966
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96  1966
97  1966
98  1966
99  1966
100 1966
101 1966
102 1967
103 1967
104 1967
105 1967
106 1967
107 1967
108 1967
109 1967
110 1967
111 1967
112 1967
113 1968
114 1968
115 1968
116 1968
117 1968
118 1968
119 1968
120 1968
121 1968
122 1968
123 1968
124 1969
125 1969
126 1969
127 1969
128 1969
129 1969
130 1969
131 1970
132 1970
133 1970
134 1970
135 1970
136 1971
137 1971
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139 1971
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141 1971
142 1972
143 1972
144 1972
145 1972
146 1972
147 1972
148 1973
149 1973
150 1973
151 1973
152 1973
153 1973
154 1974
155 1974
156 1974
157 1974
158 1974
159 1975
160 1975
161 1975
162 1975
163 1975
164 1976
165 1976
166 1976
167 1977
168 1977
169 1977
170 1978
171 1978
172 1979
173 1979
174 1980
175 1981
176 2016
177 2016
178 2016
179 2016
180 2016
181 2016
182 2016
183 2016
184 2016
185 2016
186 2016
187 2016
188 2016
189 2016
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191 2016
192 2016
193 2016
194 2016
195 2016
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197 2016
198 2016
199 2016
200 2016
201 2016
202 2016
203 2016
204 2016
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206 2016
207 2016
208 2016
209 2016
210 2016
211 2016
212 2016
213 2016
214 2016
215 2016
216 2016
217 2016
218 2016
219 2016
220 2016
221 2016
222 2016
223 2016
224 2016
225 2016
226 2016
unique(missing_years) ##organize the years with missing data
1   1960
11  1961
28  1962
44  1963
60  1964
75  1965
89  1966
102 1967
113 1968
124 1969
131 1970
136 1971
142 1972
148 1973
154 1974
159 1975
164 1976
167 1977
170 1978
172 1979
174 1980
175 1981
176 2016

After choosing 2000 for the year to study infant mortality rate based on missingness in the data, I filtered for observations made during 2000 only. I used the dim() function to confirm that I have 51 observations of 9 variables. The str() function provides the variable type for each variable, and the summary() function provides more details for each variable.

year2000 <- africadata %>% 
              filter(year == "2000") ##create a new object with only observations from the year 2000
dim(year2000) ##confirm dimensions of year2000
[1] 51  9
str(year2000) ##observe structure of year2000
'data.frame':   51 obs. of  9 variables:
 $ country         : Factor w/ 185 levels "Albania","Algeria",..: 2 3 18 22 26 27 29 31 32 33 ...
 $ year            : int  2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 ...
 $ infant_mortality: num  33.9 128.3 89.3 52.4 96.2 ...
 $ life_expectancy : num  73.3 52.3 57.2 47.6 52.6 46.7 54.3 68.4 45.3 51.5 ...
 $ fertility       : num  2.51 6.84 5.98 3.41 6.59 7.06 5.62 3.7 5.45 7.35 ...
 $ population      : num  31183658 15058638 6949366 1736579 11607944 ...
 $ gdp             : num  5.48e+10 9.13e+09 2.25e+09 5.63e+09 2.61e+09 ...
 $ continent       : Factor w/ 5 levels "Africa","Americas",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ region          : Factor w/ 22 levels "Australia and New Zealand",..: 11 10 20 17 20 5 10 20 10 10 ...
summary(year2000) ##view summaries of variables included in year 2000
         country        year      infant_mortality life_expectancy
 Algeria     : 1   Min.   :2000   Min.   : 12.30   Min.   :37.60  
 Angola      : 1   1st Qu.:2000   1st Qu.: 60.80   1st Qu.:51.75  
 Benin       : 1   Median :2000   Median : 80.30   Median :54.30  
 Botswana    : 1   Mean   :2000   Mean   : 78.93   Mean   :56.36  
 Burkina Faso: 1   3rd Qu.:2000   3rd Qu.:103.30   3rd Qu.:60.00  
 Burundi     : 1   Max.   :2000   Max.   :143.30   Max.   :75.00  
 (Other)     :45                                                  
   fertility       population             gdp               continent 
 Min.   :1.990   Min.   :    81154   Min.   :2.019e+08   Africa  :51  
 1st Qu.:4.150   1st Qu.:  2304687   1st Qu.:1.274e+09   Americas: 0  
 Median :5.550   Median :  8799165   Median :3.238e+09   Asia    : 0  
 Mean   :5.156   Mean   : 15659800   Mean   :1.155e+10   Europe  : 0  
 3rd Qu.:5.960   3rd Qu.: 17391242   3rd Qu.:8.654e+09   Oceania : 0  
 Max.   :7.730   Max.   :122876723   Max.   :1.329e+11                
 Eastern Africa           :16  
 Western Africa           :16  
 Middle Africa            : 8  
 Northern Africa          : 6  
 Southern Africa          : 5  
 Australia and New Zealand: 0  
 (Other)                  : 0  

More plotting

I made the same plots as above, excpet there is only data from the year 2000 this time. I made the same design choices to create a clear plot using labs() and theme() to visualize Infant Morality and Life Expectancy in 2000 and Population and Life Expectancy in 2000. Infant mortality and life expectancy still show an inverse relationship, but the relationship between population and life expectancy is no longer visible.

year2000 %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x=infant_mortality, y=life_expectancy)) + ##use aesthetic layer to set the axis variables
  geom_point() + ##create a scatter plot
  labs(title = "Infant Mortality and Life Expectancy in 2000") + ##label the graph with a title
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) ##center the title

year2000 %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x=population, y=life_expectancy)) + ##use aesthetic layer to set the axis variables
  geom_point() + ##create a scatter plot
  labs(title = "Infant Mortality and Life Expectancy in 2000") + ##label the graph with a title
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) + ##center the title
  scale_x_log10() ##convert the x axis to log sccale

Simple model fits

To explore the relationship between population and life expectancy in 2000, I will use the lm() function with the year2000 object to create a simple model comparing life expectancy to infant mortality in fit 1 and to population in fit 2. Based on the summary() function output for fit1, we can conclude that infant mortality rate has a statistically significant effect on life expectancy because the p-value for the coefficient estimate is 2.83e-08, which is much smaller than 0.05. For every 1 unit increase in infant mortality rate, life expectancy decreases by 0.18916 years. Based on the summary() function output for fit2, we can conclude that there is not a statistically significant relationship between life expectancy and population because the p-value for the coefficient estimate is 0.616, which is much greater than 0.05.

fit1 <- lm(life_expectancy ~ infant_mortality, data = year2000) ##create a linear model with life expectancy as outcome and infant mortality as predictor and save it to an object called fit1
summary(fit1) ##generate information about linear regression equation with p-values

lm(formula = life_expectancy ~ infant_mortality, data = year2000)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-22.6651  -3.7087   0.9914   4.0408   8.6817 

                 Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)      71.29331    2.42611  29.386  < 2e-16 ***
infant_mortality -0.18916    0.02869  -6.594 2.83e-08 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 6.221 on 49 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.4701,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.4593 
F-statistic: 43.48 on 1 and 49 DF,  p-value: 2.826e-08
fit2 <- lm(life_expectancy ~ population, data = year2000) ##create a linear model with life expectancy as outcome and population as predictor and save it to an object called fit2
summary(fit2) ##generate information about linear regression equation with p-values

lm(formula = life_expectancy ~ population, data = year2000)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-18.429  -4.602  -2.568   3.800  18.802 

             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) 5.593e+01  1.468e+00  38.097   <2e-16 ***
population  2.756e-08  5.459e-08   0.505    0.616    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 8.524 on 49 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.005176,  Adjusted R-squared:  -0.01513 
F-statistic: 0.2549 on 1 and 49 DF,  p-value: 0.6159

Rachel Robertson contributed to this portion of Taylor’s portfolio.


Attaching package: 'skimr'
The following object is masked from 'package:naniar':

library(tidyr) ##I begin by opening the additional libraries that I will need for this analysis

Exploratory Data Analysis

I used the dslabs reference manual on CRAN to identify a dataset that intersted me. I chose the dataset us_contagious_diseases, which contains the variables disease (factor), state (factor), year(num), weeks_reporting(num), count(num), and population(num).I will begin by exploring this dataset with the dim(), str(), and summary() functions. The libraries needed for this analysis include tidyverse, dslabs, and ggplot2, and have been opened by running the the first code chunk.

[1] 16065     6
'data.frame':   16065 obs. of  6 variables:
 $ disease        : Factor w/ 7 levels "Hepatitis A",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ state          : Factor w/ 51 levels "Alabama","Alaska",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ year           : num  1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 ...
 $ weeks_reporting: num  50 49 52 49 51 51 45 45 45 46 ...
 $ count          : num  321 291 314 380 413 378 342 467 244 286 ...
 $ population     : num  3345787 3364130 3386068 3412450 3444165 ...
        disease            state            year      weeks_reporting
 Hepatitis A:2346   Alabama   :  315   Min.   :1928   Min.   : 0.00  
 Measles    :3825   Alaska    :  315   1st Qu.:1950   1st Qu.:31.00  
 Mumps      :1785   Arizona   :  315   Median :1975   Median :46.00  
 Pertussis  :2856   Arkansas  :  315   Mean   :1971   Mean   :37.38  
 Polio      :2091   California:  315   3rd Qu.:1990   3rd Qu.:50.00  
 Rubella    :1887   Colorado  :  315   Max.   :2011   Max.   :52.00  
 Smallpox   :1275   (Other)   :14175                                 
     count          population      
 Min.   :     0   Min.   :   86853  
 1st Qu.:     7   1st Qu.: 1018755  
 Median :    69   Median : 2749249  
 Mean   :  1492   Mean   : 4107584  
 3rd Qu.:   525   3rd Qu.: 4996229  
 Max.   :132342   Max.   :37607525  
                  NA's   :214       

I found that there are 6 columns and 16065 rows in this dataset. These disease factors included are: Hepatitis A, Measles, Mumps, Pertussis, Polio, Rubella, and Smallpox.

For the purposes of this project, I will analyze one disease, Measels. This is because, although the U.S. is trying to erradicate the virus, vaccine undercoverage in recent years has lead to sporatic outbreaks in the U.S. in naive pockets.

str() reveals that there are 51 states listed, so I am curious what the 51st state is. To see all of the states listed I use the function, levels().

levels(us_contagious_diseases$state) ##Examine the levels of the factor called states
 [1] "Alabama"              "Alaska"               "Arizona"             
 [4] "Arkansas"             "California"           "Colorado"            
 [7] "Connecticut"          "Delaware"             "District Of Columbia"
[10] "Florida"              "Georgia"              "Hawaii"              
[13] "Idaho"                "Illinois"             "Indiana"             
[16] "Iowa"                 "Kansas"               "Kentucky"            
[19] "Louisiana"            "Maine"                "Maryland"            
[22] "Massachusetts"        "Michigan"             "Minnesota"           
[25] "Mississippi"          "Missouri"             "Montana"             
[28] "Nebraska"             "Nevada"               "New Hampshire"       
[31] "New Jersey"           "New Mexico"           "New York"            
[34] "North Carolina"       "North Dakota"         "Ohio"                
[37] "Oklahoma"             "Oregon"               "Pennsylvania"        
[40] "Rhode Island"         "South Carolina"       "South Dakota"        
[43] "Tennessee"            "Texas"                "Utah"                
[46] "Vermont"              "Virginia"             "Washington"          
[49] "West Virginia"        "Wisconsin"            "Wyoming"             

I found that the 51st state listed is District of Columbia. Since I am unsure if the Maryland values include or exclude District of Columbia, I will leave this state in the analysis but note this in the final figure.

summary() reveals that the years range from 1928 - 2011 and weeks reporting accounts for missing weeks. weeks reporting ranges from 0 - 52 which indicates some years with no data. I would like to find which years have missing data. A case count of 0 for any of the diseases is not necessarily missing data unless the there were 0 weeks_reporting for that year.

Before cleaning I will use gg_miss_var() to explore if there are any additional missing variables.

gg_miss_var(us_contagious_diseases) ##find missing values

It seems that some population data might be missing as well so I will also have to filter the population data that has “NA” or missing data.

Cleaning the data

First, I will remove the rows with missing population data. I will do this by using the filter function.

us_contagious_diseases2 <- us_contagious_diseases %>% ##create a new data frame
  drop_na(population) ##drop NA from the population factor
gg_miss_var(us_contagious_diseases2) ##check that there are no longer missing variables

Now that the NA values for population have been dropped, we may continue to clean the data.

I will now remove the years that are missing data for weeks_reporting.I will find the identify the years that have a 0 value for weeks_reporting by using the filter() function and drop_na() function. I will then check the number of data rows using the skim() function.

us_contagious_diseases3 <- us_contagious_diseases2 %>% ## creating new data frame
  dplyr::filter(weeks_reporting != 0) %>% ##finding the weeks_reporting 0 values with dplyr and setting then to NA
  tidyr::drop_na(weeks_reporting) ##dropping the NA in weeks_reporting and dropping them
skimr::skim(us_contagious_diseases3) ##checking the number of rows
Data summary
Name us_contagious_diseases3
Number of rows 14228
Number of columns 6
Column type frequency:
factor 2
numeric 4
Group variables None

Variable type: factor

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate ordered n_unique top_counts
disease 0 1 FALSE 7 Mea: 3319, Per: 2709, Hep: 2327, Pol: 1844
state 0 1 FALSE 51 Cal: 312, Tex: 311, Ill: 306, Mic: 306

Variable type: numeric

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist
year 0 1 1969.97 23.07 1928 1948 1973 1989 2011 ▆▅▆▇▅
weeks_reporting 0 1 42.11 12.16 1 38 47 51 52 ▁▁▁▂▇
count 0 1 1682.64 6226.76 0 17 110 677 132342 ▇▁▁▁▁
population 0 1 4254904.47 4792670.73 86853 1089254 2827642 5162987 37607525 ▇▁▁▁▁

The data is now clean enough for additional processing.

Processing the Data

I will find a flat incidence rate by diving count by population for each state.I will use the mutate function to create a new column called incidence.

us_contagious_diseases4 <- us_contagious_diseases3 %>% 
  mutate(incidence = count/population) ##create variable called incidence based on count/population
summary(us_contagious_diseases4) ##confirm variable
        disease               state            year      weeks_reporting
 Hepatitis A:2327   California   :  312   Min.   :1928   Min.   : 1.00  
 Measles    :3319   Texas        :  311   1st Qu.:1948   1st Qu.:38.00  
 Mumps      :1576   Illinois     :  306   Median :1973   Median :47.00  
 Pertussis  :2709   Michigan     :  306   Mean   :1970   Mean   :42.11  
 Polio      :1844   Florida      :  305   3rd Qu.:1989   3rd Qu.:51.00  
 Rubella    :1374   Massachusetts:  302   Max.   :2011   Max.   :52.00  
 Smallpox   :1079   (Other)      :12386                                 
     count          population         incidence        
 Min.   :     0   Min.   :   86853   Min.   :0.000e+00  
 1st Qu.:    17   1st Qu.: 1089254   1st Qu.:7.152e-06  
 Median :   110   Median : 2827642   Median :3.905e-05  
 Mean   :  1683   Mean   : 4254904   Mean   :5.678e-04  
 3rd Qu.:   677   3rd Qu.: 5162987   3rd Qu.:2.538e-04  
 Max.   :132342   Max.   :37607525   Max.   :2.964e-02  

I am going to change raw incidence rate into incidence per 100,000, which is a standard measure and allows for easier visualization of the incidence rate.

us_contagious_diseases5 <- us_contagious_diseases4 %>% 
  mutate(incidenceper100000 = incidence * 100000) ##create new variable incidenceper100000 based on incidence times 100000
summary(us_contagious_diseases4) ##confirm variable
        disease               state            year      weeks_reporting
 Hepatitis A:2327   California   :  312   Min.   :1928   Min.   : 1.00  
 Measles    :3319   Texas        :  311   1st Qu.:1948   1st Qu.:38.00  
 Mumps      :1576   Illinois     :  306   Median :1973   Median :47.00  
 Pertussis  :2709   Michigan     :  306   Mean   :1970   Mean   :42.11  
 Polio      :1844   Florida      :  305   3rd Qu.:1989   3rd Qu.:51.00  
 Rubella    :1374   Massachusetts:  302   Max.   :2011   Max.   :52.00  
 Smallpox   :1079   (Other)      :12386                                 
     count          population         incidence        
 Min.   :     0   Min.   :   86853   Min.   :0.000e+00  
 1st Qu.:    17   1st Qu.: 1089254   1st Qu.:7.152e-06  
 Median :   110   Median : 2827642   Median :3.905e-05  
 Mean   :  1683   Mean   : 4254904   Mean   :5.678e-04  
 3rd Qu.:   677   3rd Qu.: 5162987   3rd Qu.:2.538e-04  
 Max.   :132342   Max.   :37607525   Max.   :2.964e-02  

I will add a weight to this value to account for missing weeks reported. To do this I will multiply each incidence rate by (weeks_reporting/52), where weeks_reporting is the total number of weeks where cases are counted and 52 is the total number of weeks in a year.I will call this new variable IRweighted.

us_contagious_diseases6 <- us_contagious_diseases5 %>% 
  mutate(IRweighted = incidenceper100000*(weeks_reporting/52)) ##add weight to incidence rate per 100000 to account for differing numbers of weeks that case counts are captured
summary(us_contagious_diseases6) ##confirm variable
        disease               state            year      weeks_reporting
 Hepatitis A:2327   California   :  312   Min.   :1928   Min.   : 1.00  
 Measles    :3319   Texas        :  311   1st Qu.:1948   1st Qu.:38.00  
 Mumps      :1576   Illinois     :  306   Median :1973   Median :47.00  
 Pertussis  :2709   Michigan     :  306   Mean   :1970   Mean   :42.11  
 Polio      :1844   Florida      :  305   3rd Qu.:1989   3rd Qu.:51.00  
 Rubella    :1374   Massachusetts:  302   Max.   :2011   Max.   :52.00  
 Smallpox   :1079   (Other)      :12386                                 
     count          population         incidence         incidenceper100000 
 Min.   :     0   Min.   :   86853   Min.   :0.000e+00   Min.   :   0.0000  
 1st Qu.:    17   1st Qu.: 1089254   1st Qu.:7.152e-06   1st Qu.:   0.7152  
 Median :   110   Median : 2827642   Median :3.905e-05   Median :   3.9055  
 Mean   :  1683   Mean   : 4254904   Mean   :5.678e-04   Mean   :  56.7780  
 3rd Qu.:   677   3rd Qu.: 5162987   3rd Qu.:2.538e-04   3rd Qu.:  25.3760  
 Max.   :132342   Max.   :37607525   Max.   :2.964e-02   Max.   :2964.4269  
 Min.   :   0.0000  
 1st Qu.:   0.5211  
 Median :   3.1708  
 Mean   :  53.0719  
 3rd Qu.:  22.7544  
 Max.   :2518.9571  

Now that I have the weighted measure of incidence rate (per 100000), I will make some exploratory figures to examine changes in Measels incidence over time for each state.

Exploratory Figures

I will plot weighted incidence rate over time in a scatter plot and add color by state to examine potential state differences.I will make a separate figure for each disease. I had to ask ChatGPT how to plot a certain category of data from a column without making a new dataframe. this is where I found the grep1(value, dataframe$var) function and structure.

Measles_plot <- ggplot(data = us_contagious_diseases6[grepl('Measles', us_contagious_diseases6$disease), ], aes(x = year, y = IRweighted, color = state)) +
  geom_line() +
  labs(x = 'Year', y = 'IRweighted', title = 'Measles Incidence Rates (per 100000) in the U.S. from 1928 to 2011') ##add line plot of measles in the U.S. from 1928 to 2011, depending the state
print(Measles_plot) ##display the line plot

I had to open this figure to view the lines. It seems that every several years, there is a measels outbreak that hits many states in the U.S. at once witha rapid peaking incidence and then rapidly declines as the population gains immunity. The peaks are particularly high for the state in the pink/ purple shade. Between 1980 to 2000 the measels IRweighted seems to diminish to near 0.

It is difficult to distinguish between states, so I change the data to show an IRweighted total for all of the states. ChatGPT said that the aggregate function can be used to sum the IRweighted for the state values that are equal.

agg_data_measles <- aggregate(IRweighted ~ year + state, data = subset(us_contagious_diseases6, disease == 'Measles'), sum) ##This aggregate function and structure was found by using ChatGPT. The subset function was used to aggregate only the measels disease data.

USmeasles_plot <- ggplot(data = agg_data_measles, aes(x = year, y = IRweighted)) +
   geom_line() +
   labs(x = 'Year', y = 'Total IRweighted (Measles)', title = 'Total Measels Incidence Rate (per 100000) in the U.S. from 1928 to 2011') ##Another line plot is made with ggplot, but from the aggregated data frame

print(USmeasles_plot) ##display the cumulative plot

A seasonal epi curve can be observed for the national sum of incidence rate of measels in the U.S. There are yearly peaks from 1928 until they begin to rapidly decrease around 1965, eventually reaching close to 0 in 1980. This might be do to the MMR development and distribution in the US in 1971.

MMR elicits protection against Measels, Mumps, and Rubella. Because of the vaccine distribution, we should also see a decrease in Mumps incidence. To determine whether this is the case, I will also plot the Mumps incidence rate over time in comparison to the latest plot.

agg_data_mumps <- aggregate(IRweighted ~ year + state, data = subset(us_contagious_diseases6, disease == 'Mumps'), sum) ##Making a new aggregated data frame from the Mumps disease data

## Plot the aggregated data for Mumps instead of measels
USmumps_plot <- ggplot(data = agg_data_mumps, aes(x = year, y = IRweighted)) +
   geom_line() +
   labs(x = 'Year', y = 'Total IRweighted (Mumps)', title = 'Total Mumps Incidence Rate (per 100000) in the U.S. from 1928 to 2011')

print(USmumps_plot) ##Display the Mumps IR plot

Though with much lower incidence rates, the mumps data set also shows a rapid decrease in incidence rates from 1970 to 1980. There is no incidence rate data prior to around 1965. For this reason, I will also plot Rubella.

agg_data_rubella <- aggregate(IRweighted ~ year + state, data = subset(us_contagious_diseases6, disease == 'Rubella'), sum) ##Making a new aggregated data frame from the Mumps disease data

## Plot the aggregated data for Mumps instead of measels
USrubella_plot <- ggplot(data = agg_data_rubella, aes(x = year, y = IRweighted)) +
   geom_line() +
   labs(x = 'Year', y = 'Total IRweighted (Rubella)', title = 'Total Rubella Incidence Rate (per 100000) in the U.S. from 1928 to 2011')

print(USrubella_plot) ## Display the rubella IR plot

The Rubella data shows a similar decrease from 1970 to 1980 but does not include data before around 1965. This makes it unclear whether the decrease in all three disease incidence rates is due to the MMR vaccine.

Simple Statistical Models

I am interested in looking at the MMR incidence rates decrease over time. For this, I can use the total IRweighted aggregate data as the outcome and compare it to the year as the predictor.

I will start with Measels

Measels_fit <- lm(IRweighted~ year, data = agg_data_measles) ##create a linear model with Measels as outcome and year as predictor and save it to an object called Measels_fit
Measels_fit_table <- broom::tidy(Measels_fit) ##Adding a simplified table of the linear model with tidy
print(Measels_fit_table) ##print table of the linear regression equation with p-values
# A tibble: 2 × 5
  term        estimate std.error statistic   p.value
  <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
1 (Intercept) 13793.     400.         34.4 1.66e-222
2 year           -6.94     0.204     -34.0 1.32e-217

Measels incidence rate (per 100000) decreased by 6.9 units per year in the U.S. This is a significant decrease with a p-value that is alpha<0.05.

I will now use the lm() function to produce a linear model Mumps over year

Mumps_fit <- lm(IRweighted~ year, data = agg_data_mumps) ##create a linear model with Mumps as outcome and year as predictor and save it to an object called Mumps_fit
Mumps_fit_table <- broom::tidy(Mumps_fit) ##Adding a simplified table of the linear model with tidy
print(Mumps_fit_table) ##print table of the linear regression equation with p-values
# A tibble: 2 × 5
  term        estimate std.error statistic  p.value
  <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
1 (Intercept)  3596.    164.          21.9 3.91e-93
2 year           -1.80    0.0827     -21.8 1.77e-92

Mumps incidence rates (per 100000) decreased by 1.8 per one year. This is a smaller unit change, but still a significant decrease with a p-value of alpha<0.005.

Lastly, I will confirm this relationship with the Rubella aggregate data in the U.S.

Rubella_fit <- lm(IRweighted~ year, data = agg_data_rubella) ##create a linear model with rubella as outcome and year as predictor and save it to an object called Rubella_fit
Rubella_fit_table <- broom::tidy(Rubella_fit) ##Adding a simplified table of the linear model with tidy
print(Rubella_fit_table) ##print table of the linear regression equation with p-values
# A tibble: 2 × 5
  term        estimate std.error statistic  p.value
  <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
1 (Intercept) 1646.      83.6         19.7 3.49e-76
2 year          -0.827    0.0422     -19.6 1.46e-75

There is decrease in Rubella incidence rates (per 100000) of 0.83 over one year. This decrease, although the smallest, is significant with a p-value of alpha<0.05.

Overall, these exploratory analysis, figures, and models displayed a significant decrease in Measels, Mumps, and Rubella incident rates in the U.S. following the introduction of the MMR vaccine in 1971.